Composting Info Page Overview:

This is the Composting Info page. It displays a list of documents or notices.

Viewing and Navigating the Composting Info page

It CAN contain several tabbed categories of information. The number in parenthesis on each tab shows you the number of items on each tab. You can click on the individual tabs to go from one named tab or 'category' to another.

The items are usually sorted in date order by default, with the exception that important items can be forced to the top of the list by the editor by making it 'sticky'. can make the most important documents 'stick' to the top by using a feature called Stickiness.

The higher the Stickiness rating of a document, the higher on the list of documents it will appear. Documents with a Stickiness of 9 will appear at the very top. Documents with the same stickiness rating will appear in descending revision date/post date order. The default Stickiness for a new document is zero. We recommend you leave it at the default setting unless you have a reason to change it.

You can re-sort the items on this page by clicking on the 'Date' or 'Title' column heading.

You can click on any icon in the 'Open Document' or 'Open Attachment' column to open the image or document on your computer for viewing, printing or saving.

Hovering over the magnifying glass in the last column of the list with your mouse will bring up the full content of the item.

Clicking an item's Title will display the full content of the item

Editing the Composting Info page

With editing rights, you can add, remove or edit your own items only. Items posted by others can only be edited by an Administrator.

To add a listing, just click the 'Add Listing' button at the bottom of the page or tabbed page to be brought to an edit page where you can enter the details and upload an attachment or document from your computer.

To Delete an item, click the Item's Title in order to drill down to the item detail, then click the Delete button on the Item Detail page to delete it.

To Edit an item, click the Item's Title in order to drill down to the item detail, then click the 'Edit Listing' button to get to the edit window to make your changes.

When adding or editing a document, you can force the document to appear near the top of the page by using its Stickiness. The higher the Stickiness rating of a document, the higher on the list of documents it will appear. Documents with a Stickiness of 9 will appear at the very top.

Documents with the same stickiness rating will appear in descending revision date/post date order. The default Stickiness for a new document is zero. We recommend you leave it at the default setting unless you have a reason to change it.


Administration of the Composting Info page

As Administrator, you can Add, Edit or Delete any item using the Editing directions above.

In addition, you have more controls on the Administration tab. On this tab, you can add, delete, reorder or rename tabs (only empty tabs can be deleted). You can also Change the menu item name - as it appears in the menu on the far left of your web site.

  • To delete a tab, make sure there are no documents on that tabbed category (you can move them to another tab or you can delete them) and check the 'Delete' checkbox on the Administration tab - then click the 'Save Changes' button.
  • To re-organize your tabs, change the 'order' number of all tabs so they are numbered in the order in which you want them to appear and click the 'Save Changes' button.
  • To change the Page name in the far left hand menu for the entire page, just type the new menu item title you would like to use into the 'Change Menu Item Name' box and click the adjacent 'Change' button.
  • To add a tabbed category, just type the name you wish to appear on the tab into the 'Add New Category Tab' box on the administration tab and click the adjacent 'Add' button.

Further Help

In addition to context-sensitive help on each page, you can click the Email link on the lower left corner of each page to email the Association about Association issues.

You can also contact CondoConduit Web Support for help on web site issues or login problems by clicking the 'Web Site Support' link on the lower right corner of each page.