Enhancement & Revision History
Enhancement Request Implementation Date Implemented
I cannot post or attach RTF files
We have now added RTF to our list of supported file types.
When making a new 'Free-Form Page', the link to the posting title on the 'What's New' page is a bad link
Users are finding it difficult to type in their case-sensitive password
Our password reminder now includes a direct login link, so that whenever they request their password they have a one-click link to access the site
It's hard for our board members to differentiate the 'Board members Discussion' page from the 'Owners Discussion' page.
We have changed the design of the board only page to make it easier to differentiate them.
We really need a search function in the discussion areas to avoid duplicate topics
Cannot upload Word 2007 documents in the new format
We have now added these document types to the allowed list - but be aware that many if not most users who download the document are likely to have trouble opening it!
When changes are made to a work request, the originator is not notified of the change in status - only 'other affected owners'
We have slightly enhanced posting summaries on all pages.
Some users despise all the emails they get from the system
We have added the ability to get daily or weekly summaries of new posts, rather than immediate notifications. This option is available on the 'Activity Alerts' tab of every users profile.
I'd like to have more control over fonts in my broadcasts
Done. We have added our advanced WYSIWYG editor to the Broadcast function.
Sale and Rental listing functionality is limited
We have altered these listings to allow advanced editing and multiple images for each listing. We have also changed the listing pages to include the images.
As an administrator, I would like to post user photos (with permission, of course)
Done. You may now upload a photo for each user in Site Admin / Users by clicking the edit icon for each user and clicking the photo area of the first tab.
How can we upload multiple files?
We have added ZIP files to our list of allowed uploads. Combine your files into a single zip file, and upload it normally
Cannot get rid of the 'Uncategorized' tab
You will now see this tab only if there are postings whaich have not been assigned to a category. We have also added document counts to each tab.
We would like to be able to categorize documents, budgets, etc
We now have tabbed categories on most listing pages. Any pre-existing item will be 'uncategorized' but can be assigned to a category tab by editng the item.
Please allow administrators to set or change user passwords
We're getting lots of SPAM through the Info Request forms
The info request form has been modified to trip-up spam bots. If it is not effective, we will have to add an image with text to weed out the bots.
Please add Photo Attachments to Repair Requests
Please add a sortable LOCATION fields for Events
Default sorting for the owners list should be by unit number
We would like to provide 'Read Only' access to discussion boards for some users
Done - posting to the discussion area now requires 'Edit' access to that service (set from Site Admin / Menus)
I'd like to print mailing labels for owners
You can now print Avery 5160 labels from the Administrative user list.
Improved 'information request' form is MUCH more readable
It will be awhile before I figure out what I want in the home page text.
We have created a more friendly default message for the home page.
We'd like to be able to sort documents and events by other columns
Done - we are using a new sorting algorithm for this which should be much faster as well.
It's not clear that an existing user is not being deleted when deleting a duplicate access request.
Button wording changed for clarity
Can we hide survey results until voting is closed?
You can now check the box on the new survey screen to hide results until voting is closed.
Is there any way to delete old reservations from the reservation list - or do I need to delete them one at a time?
Reservations now display only current (from one week ago) and future reservations only - with a button to 'Display All' if the need should arise. You can also accommodate this with more control if you use an 'Expiration Date' on appropriate postings.
Expired items still show up in the Calendar display.
We need to be able to assign people to manage certain features like Visitor's List and Tasks, or Repair Requests without giving them administrative access to the whole site.
We have modified the security system to provide more detailed control over Edit and Administrative access level for each feature, PLUS we have accommodated the use of 'special access rights' for individuals to allow them to administer one section without having administrative access to othrer sections. We have also added paging to the menu settings screen to make the features list more readable.
The new version of Safari is not properly downloading documents and attachments.
The HOME page text has disappeared after the former property manager was deleted from the system.
Oops - Fixed. The latest text and images will now re-appear.
How about the Work Request listing in PDF and Excel format?
I want to be able to download the Visitor List and Package Tracking data as well.
I want to download Survey Results as Excel files so I can apply % ownership calculations to the results.
We would like to see 'Work' and 'Local' phone numbers on the owner lists.
Some of my uploaded images look AWFUL!
Larger images were losing resolution during the resizing process for some image sizes. Our adaptive resizing algorithm is now SUBSTANTIALLY improved!
Can we see upcoming calendar events in the "News" (login) page?
Can we download the user list as data?
You can now download the user list to an Excel file, in addition to the existing PDF report
Residents cannot post to the 'Classifieds' section - only owners and above.
Corrected - Level 2 and above can now post classified listings
We want to charge different rates for banners and advertisements
You can now set pricing for Banners, Links and Listings. Just go to Site Admin / Site Defaults and set Advertising Fees as desired
We have too many pages of discussions - it's crowding the screen!
We have improved the paging mechanism to include ellipses.
It's STILL too much trouble to approve new account requests
You can now set <%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%> to automatically accept new access requests with no further action on your part. Just go to Site Admin / Site Defaults and set Auto-Approve new access requests: to Yes
It's too much trouble to approve new account requests
We have simplified the account approval process to two clicks. At the user menu, there is a new section at the top of the page containing 'New User Requests'. To approve (or delete) one, click the edit icon next to the name, then (if the info provided looks legitimate) click the "Commit" button to accept it, or the "Delete" button to remove it.
The HOA Headlines are great, but sometimes it takes too long to load the News page!
The news provider can have slow response times - so we now update the headlines offline so that there will be no delays due to that service.
What additional features can we provide for Board Members?
We have added Regional and National "Homeowner Association Headlines" to the news page with links to detailed articles. Go to the "Site Admin / Site Defaults" section of your site to disable this feature or change the reporting region.
I want more control of the colors, fonts and layout on my pages
We have added a new and easy to use editng bar to the editing windows for your home page and your "User Defined" pages.
When a user logs in, I want them to see a page OTHER THAN the "News" page
You can now select the default 'Login Page' for your site by going to "Site Admin/Site Defaults" and selecting the start page from the pulldown list.
When I set my browser to reject cookies, my web site doesn't look right.
Cookies must be enabled to use your <%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%> site. We have now added Cookie Detection so that users with cookies disabled will receive a warning and instructions to correct their browser settings.
When you click on a new post listed on the "What's New" page, you are brought to the whole section rather than to that particular listing
You can now click on the "Listed In" section to go to the section, or on the posting "Title" to go directly to that single posting
I want to be able to post announcements on the 'News' page
The NEWS page is the first page seen when a user logs in, so it is a useful place to post hot topics and reminders. Administrators will now see an 'edit' button to allow them to change that message at any time.
Who sets the price of Links and Banner Placement on our site, and who collects the money?
To date, the pricing for banner placement and links was set at $200 and $100 respectively, collected by and payable to your association. Each association should be able to set the price of banners and links as they see fit.
In Progress
Where do Banner and Link requests get sent?
Banner and Link requests (submitted under "Links") have been being sent to the <%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%> offices to be forwarded to the property web site administrator. We have now updated the system to send such requests directly to the property web site administrator.
Web Statistics need to be more detailed
Sites have been reworked to provide an extremely detailed web statistics report (accessible under Site Admin/Traffic Analysis)
I'd like invoices to go to a new destination for payment. Do I have to email the details to you?
We have added a new "Billing Profile" page to the Site Admin menu. System administrators can now speciify where invoices should be sent.
Transcibing new user information is too error prone and arduous.
In addition to the change below, which will eliminate applications from existing users, <%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%> will automatically place all information for a new user applying for access into the user list with level 1 security. The administrator will only have to change their access level as appropriate to provide proper access.
In Progress
The 'New Account' registration process is too error prone. Can we make it more automatic?
The system will now check to see if the requesting person is already a subscriber, and re-send login credentials for those persons. Others will be directed to the new account registration page.
We would like Board Members to be notified of new work requests
Done. This setting is controlled by each board member under 'my profile', and can also be set by the administrator under 'site administration/users/edit'
We would like to display Work Request status for all Board members
You can now select subsets of Work Requests based upon status, and print the results to a PDF for printing
I would like to post a lot of messages when we begin to use our <%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%> site without bombarding owners with a bunch of 'new posting' notifications.
Most posts now include a checkbox to indicate whether or not to send out notifications to subscribers. The default is YES for new posts, and NO for revisions.
Users are confused when a Word or PDF file opens within the site.
Documents are now opened in a new window. Users only need to close the window to return to their <%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%> web site.
Display of messages in the discussion areas are becoming slower and slower
We have modified the message display in all discussion areas so that only the most recently active 8 topics are displayed. We have also added paging so that you can easily browse to earlier discussion topics. The reduced amount of information sent to your browser will significantly speed up the display - especially for slower internet connections like dial up and slow DSL.
We would like another page on our site to use for our own purposes
The previously titled "History" page is now "User Defined". Administrators can specify the name of the menu link by editing the page and changing the text in the "Menu Text" box. You can now use that page for anything you want.
People commonly forget to check the capitalization when they log in
The system will now automatically send an email to the user if at least the spelling of their username or email address is correct. The email will explain any problems with their attempted login (capitalization, incorrect password, etc.) and provide a link to re-send their actual username and password.
A lot of people forget their user name and try to log in using their full email address
Users can now login using their assigned user name OR their email address - either will work.
Can we put a series of pictures on our web pages for a slide show?
You can now put as many images as you wish on the "Home" and "History" pages of your site for a slide show effect
How about some photos?
We have now added photos for all users. Users can upload their own photos under "My Profile". The Owner list and Board Members list now has a "Show Photos" checkbox to toggle photo display to keep page load times fast for dial up users.
If I add a 'Business Link' with a long url to our links page, the format of the screen is too wide
Some users are blocking email notifications from "WebRobot@<%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%>.com"
There is now a unique email address for each <%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%> property.
Some users try to log in the first time mistaking a zero for the letter o
We have added a warning to the welcome email reminding users that upper case 0 is a zero, and that usernames and passwords are case sensitive. Also, failed logins are now reported to <%=loUserInfo.PropPrivateLabelName%> for continued monitoring.
A weather forecast summary with a link to a detailed forecast for your area has been added to the Newsletter page.
It would be really helpful to have attachments in the board member message area
Done! Attachments are now available on both the public and the Board-Only message areas.
How much traffic does our site see?
The Site Administration menu now includes a 'Traffic Analysis' link which displays hits for your site by the week, day or hour.
Messages are piling up in the Discussion area making it hard to keep current
The message area has again been enhanced for clarity, speed and brevity.
Board Members would like a private forum to discuss Executive board issues
There is now a 'Board Members Only' discussion area.
Messages are piling up in the Discussion area making it hard to keep current
The message area has been revised to show only the most recent messages - with the ability to drill down to see ALL messages in topics of interest. You can also set the 'view all messages after...' date
"Remember Me" checkbox added to login page - allowing users on home computers to connect without logging in each time. NOTE: for security purposes, users should not use this feature when connecting from a public computer!
Logged in users see documents on the 'newsletter' page which they should not have access to, based on their permission level.
Oops - Fixed
Owner List should sort by last name
Expired surveys should not show up on Newsletter page
Oops - Fixed
Unit Numbers on Owner List
Unit Numbers are now displayed in the lists of owners. They will not appear to the general public if 'Restrict contact info to other Owners ONLY' is checked in the owner's Personal Profile.
'NewsLetter' link added to menu options
Link back to newsletter allows users to see the latest additions and postings on one page. The menu spacing has been tightened slightly to make room for new features.
Newsletter on login
Upon logging in, users will see a helpful summary of the newest postings - and links to those postings.
Cannot edit users without email addresses
You may now alter the settings of users without email addresses. Of course, without email they will not receive email notifications of any sort. Free email accounts are available from several sources, if they would like to get one.
User Administration
Administrators can now sort the user list by Name, Last Visit, Number of Visits or Access Level for easier administration. Just click on the heading of the column you want to sort by.
It's hard to page through all the owners in the owner list.
The owner listing now has a search feature which makes finding a particular neighbor easier
Common User login problems
A failed login attempt will now direct users to a list of common problems and questions regarding the login process.
Upon logging in, the user is presented with a list of the latest postings, surveys and messages.
Is there any Voting or Survey functionality?
We have just added a voting module under 'Surveys' on the menu. Existing properties can add it to their menu by going to the 'Menus' section of the 'Site Administration' menu. Administrators can add and remove survey issues, and owners can vote, re-vote and view the survey results.
The discussion board has been updated to enhance readability and to allow users to reply with fewer clicks. Thread topics show the most recent additions first, and display the date of the latest addition, as well as the total number of messages contained within.
This is a great service, but I keep forgetting it is there
The default for all new users will be to receive automatic email notification of any new messages posted in ANY area to which they have access. This will help to remind subscribers of the resource.
We would like to list links to local businesses on our site
Each property can now add addresses, links to email and web pages, and can even add banners to their web pages if desired. If you care to sell ad placement, just a couple of listings can more than pay for the full year's fees.
We would like our own color scheme for forms and menus
Each property now has it's own color scheme for menus, as well as the custom menu and heading already offered.
Where should our Budgets and Financials go?
We have created a new menu selection specifically for financials.
It is difficult to peruse all the messages on the message board
The discussion area has been modified to show all messages at a glance, readability is enhanced, and responding to a message has been simplified.
The discussion area is difficult to register for and hard to set up.
To reduce reliance on outside services and simplify use, we have added out own internal message board.
Suggestions and Problem Reports regarding this site should be submitted to the following email address: support@CondoConduit.com

For questions regarding management or policy issues for the association, etc:
Email One Beach Club Drive
This is a CondoConduit web site CondoConduit
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