Registered users may view and post information to many sections - based upon permissions set by the site administrator. In addition, you can receive email notifications of new postings in any number of posting areas.
Initial Setup:
The first time you log in, you will probably want to change your password to
something that is easier to remember. Select 'My Profile' from the menu at the
left and type your desired password twice. Entering the same password twice
avoids accidental misspellings.
If you ever forget your password, you can click the 'Forgot Password' link at your login screen.
Documents can be simply typed in, or users can upload a document for others to view. Uploaded documents must be in Word or PDF format. We strongly suggest using Adobe's Acrobat for documents more than a few pages in length, or those with images.
Email Lists:
All registered users will automatically appear in the email lists (for both the Condo Board Members and the Owner Listing). You will be able to launch an email to your neighbors by clicking on the name in the 'Owner Listing' and the 'Board Members' lists.
Work/Repair Requests:
You may be able to post Repair Requests and to view the status of your previously posted requests. Those with higher access levels, such as Board members will be able to view the status of ALL posted requests.
When a request is posted, the Site Administrator (preferably the Property Manager) will receive a message notifying them of the new request. The Site Administrator can then view the request, and post the status of the request (along with any further descriptions or responses). The Site Administrator should keep this information up to date to assure the Board that issues are being resolved promptly.
The system allows condo owners to have discussions and share opinions on-line. Discussions are organized into Topics and Topics are sorted with Topics having the most recent activity at the top of the list. To reply to an existing message, click the button and type your contribution to the discussion. To add a new Topic, click the (post new Topic) button and type the Topic Name, Message Title and the first message for that topic. Only the most recent messages are shown by default, but you can see ALL messages of any particular topic by clicking the next to the Topic Name.
Only the most recently contributed to topics will show up on the first page. You can browse to earlier topics by clicking the "Go to Topic" navigation bare above and below the message area.
You may vote on surveys, change your vote, and view the results at any time until voting is closed. The results show the number of votes to date and the distribution of votes among the possible choices.
Questions and suggestions should be directed to your Site Administrator, or to Support at: support@CondoConduit.com.
For questions regarding management or policy issues for the association, etc: Email One Beach Club Drive |
This is a CondoConduit web site
For questions regarding Web Site Issues, both technical and administrative: |